[the book is THE FROZEN MOMENT. the publication date is DECEMBER 17th. here's a little TASTE of one of the stories...]
DISCONNECT by Holly Goodman
on the #75 bus with Baby Lila smelling like a pancake breakfast beside
me the morning The Zone slips its hot little hands around my phone and
ganks it clean out of my pocket. Way I was always losing things Sam used
to say I had a Zone of my own, a personal wormhole that sucked in my
things and spit them back at me ages after I stopped needing or wanting
or looking for them. Said there was meaning in the things it took and if
I listened close I’d get the message. The last three years of our
marriage, I wished it would open up and suck him in.
Never came through for
me, though. I had to end it the old fashion way with therapists and
texts and a double-long U-Haul in the driveway. I got a new apartment
for me and the girls and we got to know city bus schedules down to the
Weekdays the #75 runs every 15.
[Holly Goodman lives and writes in Portland, Oregon. Her short stories, essays and reporting have appeared in The Journal, Literary Mama, and various magazines and newspapers. She is a past winner of The Journal's Alumni Flash Fiction writing contest and is currently at work on her first novel.]
Holly will be reading along with contributors Kevin Meyer, Kathleen Lane, Gage Mace, Nora Robertson, Dian Greenwood, Elva Redwood and Gigi Little at Crow Arts Manor on January 15th. You can also order The Frozen Moment through Publication Studio here.
Wow, that is excellent!