Work. [a couple shots of my new workspace at powell's, which stephen designed.]

Theater. [imaginary invalid at portland center stage - and miss christine calfas.]
Art. [stephen's show exquisite allegory at winston wächter fine art in seattle.]
Work. [window displays.]

[wacky family books, highlighting the new novel drinking closer to home by jessica blau.]
More art [stephen's artist talk at "sweet night" at winston wächter.]

Love. [valentine's day - here are the cards we made each other. first, stephen's to me. then below, mine to him.]
Gifts. [one page out of the scrapbook mary made us.]

More window displays.
[2011 smallpressapalooza.]
[tom spanbauer and margaret malone at hot off the press.]

[with rick j, anatoly molotkov and john sibley williams at spokensong.]

[with margaret malone, colin farstad and nora robertson [pictured] among others at a night of story and song - note the giant eyeball over my head.]

Art. [stephen at the symposium "the figure in contemporary art" at the tacoma art museum.]
More readings. [dangerous writers contingent at lidia yuknavich's event for chronology of water at powell's city of books.]
Publication. [my essay "mariel at the tent flaps" in thumbnail magazine.]

[get it? thumbnail?

everything's small?]
Theater. [our quick stint as part of the greek chorus in opera theater oregon's "sordid lives."]
Art. [stephen wins the artists wanted power of self grand prize.]
[i have a small piece in the "pressure and release" art show at local 5's gallery.]


[some readings are bigger than others... with karen munro and susan scott, reading from our pieces in the pacific northwest reader, at the olympia public library.]
[our audience.]
[ok, it grew by show time... a little...]
Birthday. [my homemade card from stephen.]

Birthday. [this time, stephen's. here's my card to him.]

Fun with good friends.
[dw swarm, plus cymbalman.]
Reorganizing. [we moved the apartment around to give each of us a better studio.]
[and below, stephen's.]

Nicholas! [the day we met him.]
[the day he came to live with us.]
[my card to stephen.]
[stephen's card to me.]
Activity / celebration. [hiking in the gorge with stephen and nicholas.]
[watching vaux swifts at chapman school.]

[richard foreman mini festival.]
[sharing at share.]
Family. [mom and dad come to visit. to see us but mostly to see nicholas.]
[meeting him in the hallway.]
[what the men do while the women are goo-gooing over the doggy.]
Writing [finishing the novel]
[my job.]
[stephen's job.]
[nicholas' job.]

[the frozen moment anthology.]
[editor colin farstad introducing his readers at "a night of story and song" at the woods.]
[nicholas checking out the care package from lulu and pops, finding chew toy and doggy treats.]
[holiday card.]
[so many blessings to be thankful for. and there were lots of other things that happened this year that have no pictures to show for themselves. i suppose i'd have a picture or two to represent new year's eve, if I'd just get off the computer...]