Monday, August 17, 2009

shipping window display

Finally getting around to posting the pictures of the shipping window display I put in. It's actually 5 windows. The ones on the end are big posters to bookend these three. These are going left to right down Couch Street, the boxes getting progressively fuller, to advertise that Powell's will ship ten books or more for $12.98.

It was a fun one to put in. And frustrating as I decided to back each shelf with tissue paper for some color. To use lots of pieces of colored paper would have looked too second grade bulletin board, and wrapping paper would have crumpled irreversibly. Tissue paper is just a ball to tape together to fit in a window and then try to slide down inside without crushing or ripping. Especially when the air conditioning stream runs right across the windows, and customers want you to move so they can look at the paper dolls.

Actually, one of the biggest challenges - that I didn't anticipate - was actually fitting at least ten books in each box.

Notice how many times I slipped Portland Noir in there.

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