Just about ready to leave for work, Stephen asks, "Do you have any fives? Can you make change for a twenty?"
I grab my bag and start hunting around. "I don't know. I know I gave Doug three fives on Thursday. Ooh!"
I pull one out.
I hunt some more. A one. A ten. A receipt.
Past the checkbook, past the folded up directions to somewhere I probably don't need to go again.
I pull one out.
A chapstick. Another chapstick.
A two dollar bill that I'll never spend because two dollar bills are cool.
Past my one set of sunglasses. Past my second set of sunglasses that looks exactly like the first set of sunglasses that I thought I'd lost once but hadn't.
"Oh, hey!"
I pull one out.
Past old, used theater tickets, an old, used airline ticket, doggy poop bags, another receipt, a gift card that might have some money on it, an old packaged tiny biscotti from an airplane that I just might need if I ever get trapped on an elevator.
A one.
A one.
A one.
A one.
And down at the very bottom:
I pull it out and add it to the pile.
Stephen grins and pulls out his wallet. "Excellent! OK, here. Wait." He leafs through bills in the wallet. Finds the twenty.
"It was filed in the wrong place," he says.
He hands me the bill. I take it. I feign distress. "It was filed in the wrong place?" I say.
I look into the bottomless pit of my bag and toss the twenty in.
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